misc - 2022

not a real album, just a playlist of the songs i made here and there in 2022. sounds different bc i'm not depressed, angry or trying 2 prove something anymore lol. part of why i am less interested in making music these days.


funeral - 2021

last lil jesus album, where i gave up pursuing music as a srs "career" & lil jesus as a persona. very rough but most experimental / hyperpop project.


2 pure 4 this world - 2020

my most complete album conceptually and aesthetically. idea is its basically the sound of my soul on a disc. has lots of cool visuals n i made the songs transition in2 each other.


cozy tape - 2019

basically a mixtape, its rough n unfinished, but its got the big groyper songs in there like nicko mode n get groyped. i DISAVOW but i swear the vibe was cool back then. getting popular made me see the "scene" in a different light.


super sonic - 2018

the album i always wanted 2 make, w ALL sonic samples!

syber summer - 2018

i made this the summer after college, pretty short but i think its very kino. lots of classic rappity rap bars. all the samples r from owlis.

22 - 2018

my 1st real album where i wrote the songs. b4 that i was just doing bad freestyles over my wack beats as i learned 2 produce n mix. kind of hit or miss but its a lot of songs n there's rly good moments.